Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Neibelheimian Exhile While His Third Eye Brims with Tears for Ever-Imminent Pulverization


to front a peak at heart, mecca
this growing mysterious ache,
less pervasive in countour than
 they board directly, carpetbags in tow
and backwater remarks snarl 'cross nice paisley upholstered 
seats up ancient levels of maritime down
the coming the going, a hidden hull
going groan, a sphynxian iron roar
fades at full speed
 rusting morn unto eve

the flare expected of  getting lost
alights casual consensual confusion
funtional ignorance corkscrews across the dysfunctional chasm
 light his self-loving retentive abstractions
hives where she blindly knelt
and her voice never heard before bed
going groan, the headboard directed diversion, 
the coming the going sure yet
flaws they up and
boarded directly bound down
towns in the south, deli murals
sink bottom gods
took they
 up and boarded in the dark landing

'morrow to face 
as if truth just below a fold in perception would alight with the dawn
too hyper thoughts too sleep not even the imams could foresee
"not the truth"
in the concise hours
across the starved confines of this
cathexis us


the omnisphere of light
its staying power
spouting lessons, really.
The betterment of better men.
Did Picasso see footsteps
slicken mostly mud?
Was his story bought for pennies?
It's staying power
that's my faith
    but evacuation, that, too, we want done.
I feel tired.
We do that.

Baths must be hot against the skin, the ears
barsoap from the farmers market
she signs herself clean everywhere, across every
slickened orifice, muddy. You start.

When truth-telling became a resource 
community [was] sacrificed.
Truth. Come back
the omnipresence of light 
in darkness
its staying power 
spouting perspectives, really
slick like a senator she continued, 
asking "are perspectives repressed?"
The footsteps we rise to meet, 
that's ours, you start.
We saw, she learned, 
I did it again anyway.

Its staying power, that's mine.


we met the perimeter
parts of the plumbing fade, the high
corporation burst, a ratty little lightning 
wrests the attic and all 
our studded wrongs were suddenly made right.

via smoke
pounds dissolve
dark spices sponge across the 
plucked and pronged
coarse cured once living ribrack.

Beer stitched, fired-up He is pink
and voluptuous 
an article in the Times
about a scientist's unpublished pulp paper
on x-ray vision unsheathing fossilized secrets
"Now thrice dead," he said roaring laughter
familiar and fleeting as the melody
of eternal maneuvering curations.
History, a sandy pillar of dust
His heat hums

And lo, we are afraid, but
"healing" he says as eucatastrophically as possible
while white voltage sands our feet to glass
our bones bake and the marrow opens 
to a new perspective, abstract
O god your fire irradiates us
but first
how about a million years of marination?


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