Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Poésies et jeux

"Ready for this Mr. Masked Man?"
"You can call me sir."
"Ready for this, sir?"
Sir Masquédmæn"
"I am not going to call you that."
Sir Miguel Du Masquédmænaldo"
"Stop Talking."

Yes yes. Prepare yourselves for the long overdue recomeuppance of that, the greatest of days.
The one, the only, the notorious and long absent:
Game Day!

But first a poem:

Games are all I bring Wednesdays—
These, and my poem first—
My poem and my penance, and games—
And the small boats of solitude skirt—
my golden glimmering thoughts—
do not forget these—
for they sail a turgid sea—
these, bringing poems to lay,
at the foot of shimmering shores pay—
penance, I bring, as well,
my thoughts where Games do dwell.

A'ight now a Game.
First: I
wear a mask for a reason. It may not be a good reason. And you may not know my reason. But it is a reason. And I have come to believe that it's as good a lifestyle choice as any... so today's game I'll be showing y'all a little bit of the benefits of living la vie dupleé, or The Double Life en flambe, err en Anglais (in English, layman)The game is called:

Beauty is only a light switch away
and it will be filled with gratuitous neologisms and misused terminology,
'cus that's what this Maskedmyn do best!

Objective is to have fun. And to have sex. There are two objects to this game.

Success will look like a newer happier you, smiling and smoking a cigarette in bed, after having tried something you may never have done before

Step One: Imagine you are someone else. Someone more confident. The kind of person you wished you were friends with. Note: DO NOT imitate a person for the sole reason that you imagine that a certain personality will get laid. There's no sense or delight for anyone in watching a worm become a prick

Step Two: Now that you are someone else, you will immediately begin to feel less shy. This will give you plenty of freedom to dare to do what you might not have before. Freedom is a scary thing. Explore the boundaries of being someone else’s personality for a while. NOTE: If “becoming someone else” for you means pretty much just imagining that you look different, ie. Physical appearance, it’s best to keep away from any mirrors at this phase in the game.

Step Three: Foreploy: noun; Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid. Now that you are acting like, and becoming someone else, start to use this new set of personality traits to your advantage. Approach other people like you've always wanted to. Hike up your skirt and knuckle up your nuts and get your ass in gear!

Step Four: Don’t back out. When you approach some pulchritudinous person, they don’t know that you're on a ruse. Play it up and don’t let up. When they ask questions, answer in character. Look into their eyes and try to divine what they want to hear. Say what you’d imagine a fun-loving person would say. The words may just start flowing out of your mouth.

Step Five: Fun and games! Suggest you play a game. Try out something fun and unexpected. Whether it be spinning that bottle or playing naked twister… use your imagination. Strip poker is guarantees a great wild time. Be bold. Balls-alicious!
Step Seven: Don’t let on that you’re a phony, a fake, a real pussy in real life. Take this charade as far as it will go, and enjoy it. Peel off the facades, ladies and gentleman. You’ll find yourself freed from things you didn’t even know where holding you back!

Last night my friend and I tried this game. I’m a changed man.
She pretended she was a palm reader.
I pretended I was an atheist.
The only thing wrong with being an atheist is you have no one to talk to when you have an orgasm.
My friend said she read in every palm the fated certainty of getting laid, and guaranteed each prognostication with results.

So there you have it. Deliverance from weeks-on-end without the sweet and delicious reprieve of Game Days (o'yé's!)

Warm Safeties,


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