Friday, April 13, 2007

Like A GodCopter

"You might want to try believing in something bigger than yourself. It might cheer you up"
-Toby Radloff, American Splendor

I talk about myself a lot. I talk about my long walks and my obsessions over unavailable women a lot. I talk about my lack of skill at drawing things or writing things or talking to people in person. I talk about my crappy job and my crappy career path since I dropped out of college to be a radio DJ. I talk about my sex life and my health and my thoughts about the weather and my IM conversations and my OCD poetry and it's all about me me me, my my my, I I I


I need a break from inside my head. I need to step outside these masks. Lately I've been trying to see myself by putting on a different mask every day. But that is only covering up who I truly am.

I need to take a step outside and look down on it all.

I need some sort of
birds eye view of a birds eye view.

Take a step back. Take a step up. Look at your life like you were someone else.
Someone who doesn't know you. Take yourself out of the equation and blend in with your surroundings.

What makes
you unique?

What makes you who you are?

Now, what do you want to change?

Let me know. We'll be back with more Masked Mannity goodness on Monday!



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