Monday, April 14, 2008

Remember when YOU were young and gullible, doubting yourself and visiting Battle Creek Michigan

Remember when you were 19 and you wake up smelling like sex and cigarettes and can't remember why... or you do remember but it's fuzzy and you can't deal with what remembering may mean, and you take a piss and there's a butt in the bowl, and take a shower and brush your teeth to rid yourself of it all. You don't understand it, and the shower only makes things worse for some reason because
its just you
sounds amplified and distorted by the pressured water
the past microscoping like a jet spray
and you knock over the soap bottle, and flash back to knocking over a beer bottle, cigarette dangling on a lower lip, her tits bouncing as you... into the wall...

No? Okay tear yourself from these memory, its all too painfull... Why did you ever sleep with her? How did you get into this situation? Is there any way out now?

Remember thinking about semantics of situations like

"I just got off and she let me and I didn't give her anything, does that mean its gunna be weird now?"

SuppleSextusCinString: anthropology doesn't just look at the past, it looks at the present, and speculates about the future....
SuppleSextusCinString: and the future, well, the future is a very big place man, a very big place....
SuppleSextusCinString: it is even bigger than the past, I mean, if you want to look at it like that
I think they both extend infinitly in both directions

What do we have to look forward to? The future? Empty as the sky, that yearning arrow to the sun. I yearn for the perception of all phenomena. Collect every stimuli into the shelter of my mind and regurgitate it into something tangible and helpful. To say that I am here and...
Aw fuck I can't think about that now. I think I have some sort of rash.

Remember? Shit.
Like it was yesterday.

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