Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cruciform Limbs

We open with re-introductions:

who are you today?

DMsqdMn17: A Masqued Man.

HwttFcknGrrl225: had to ask. i never know who im going to get with you.

DMsqdMn17: Ha! How prescient, I'm lost. Who are you?

HwttFcknGrrl225: just a topheavy girl who likes you

DMsqdMn17: Ah, those earthy charms!

HwttFcknGrrl225: quite right. im not in love with you… only, there are certain things I want to do to you…

DMsqdMn17: Then cast me off tumbledown?

HwttFcknGrrl225: ;) Why are you lost sweetie?

DMsqdMn17: As Wallace Stevens said: 'Behold the nothing that is not there, and the nothing that is.'

HwttFcknGrrl225: you should start a social movement

DMsqdMn17: A Bowel Movement would be more effective. All movements get bought out by big business, and then they degenerate into a racket. Everything in American society is so fragmented right now. It's like we have a distinct target audience culture for every cable TV channel. Everyone is so cut off. We can't even talk to each other!

How can you rally together a people under a single banner when they can't even communicate?

HwttFcknGrrl225: rally the lonely and the disaffected.

HwttFcknGrrl225: you're just like everyone man

HwttFcknGrrl225: only you're also a big nobody.

HwttFcknGrrl225: and somehow you are able to pull off both guises convincingly

HwttFcknGrrl225: probably because you don't answer any questions honestly

HwttFcknGrrl225: are you ever going to give me a straight answer?

DMsqdMn17: Just this once: No.

HwttFcknGrrl225: haha! oh cutie i want you.

HwttFcknGrrl225: i like you.

DMsqdMn17: try not to do that

HwttFcknGrrl225: what, like you?

DMsqdMn17: No, want. But, well, yeah that too.

In the small decisions we make under compulsions that are not our own, that's where our characters are defined. Where the bloody tincture of courage can seep through the test paper. Or the black death humiliation of defeat. I wear a mask knowing that every action is futile, but allowing myself the luxurious pleasure of a fiction where some things have meaning, and some things are predestined. See what I did there? I believe love can exist. And Reason. And happiness. I can still get the bills paid and the dishes done. I just need to burn a little brighter than most. Cling to optimism over pragmatism. It's not childish. It's my survival mechanism.

I welcome you to try to replace it with something. I'm open to suggestions. And willing to compromise, if it means not being so lonely anymore.

Her Screen Name: You're living for the fiction

DMsqdMn17: Better than dying without it.

Her Screen Name: Can't you experience things without the safety net?


...Tune in next week!

Film, at 11.

Okay, so juxtapose all that with an excerpt from another recent online conversation I held.


SuppleSextusCinString: So, um, Hodgdon's say I can get 250 a ton for my car....

DMsqdMn17: nice

DMsqdMn17: that's not a lot, is it?

SuppleSextusCinString: no, not much at all.... I was told I could get 500 from Paul....

SuppleSextusCinString: now I have to figure out how to put all sorts of weight in her....

SuppleSextusCinString: like, a washing machine, and stuff....

DMsqdMn17: concrete lined rustypipes

DMsqdMn17: That's what Aretha Franklin sings with, and she still rakes in the money.  And the R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

SuppleSextusCinString: I don't want to do that....

SuppleSextusCinString: so, no, do you think I should try to go somewhere else worth my time?

DMsqdMn17: First's first... weight:

DMsqdMn17: I think Now is the perfect time for you if you've been considering murdering anyone lately

DMsqdMn17: especially any really fat people. y'know?

SuppleSextusCinString: no, see that is actually a bad idea, because the law and such....

SuppleSextusCinString: that, and I'm fairly sure they will look the car over, and be able to smell the body, I'm not sure if you know this, but even the undecomposed smell...

SuppleSextusCinString: that and flesh is buoyant, I need something that is dense, like, steel

DMsqdMn17: The Undecomposed would be a great Metal Band name

DMsqdMn17: and some people ARE really dense

DMsqdMn17: especially the annoying people one would consider murdering

SuppleSextusCinString: Well, also, I've already gotten rid of the bodies....

We close with a haiku entitled newer model:

inherit my drive
shaft my only ambition
soon I'll be replaced.



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