Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I) II, (two, 2, too) caramba. Or, How the TAKE IT OFF mentality pervades both then and here and now.

Hello all!
I hasten to inform you that
it’s official.

I’m dying.

Who the fuck was I kidding? I'm totally not smart enough to be living.

I hate everything. I never want to get out of bed again. Everything just keeps getting worse. I can't fucking catch a break anywhere. My life is wreckage, and every attempt to put it back together is a massive failure.

Mmm...dusty Gatorade from the abandoned bomb shelter.

I have this sneaking suspicion that cable television is, in fact, the number one cause of death in America. No wait. Not cause of death. What’s that called, the thing that you’re doing when you die? You know… dying…

I’ve just texted my brother to find out.

He’s a doctor.

>>>>>But I dunno, maybe he’s not.

>Today’s blog is brought to you by,
Target If it feels like it, Anyway. Please send money, Senor Targe. After all, you pay to advertise on all this other shit.

Televions that is scum for loafers.

ScumFerLoafers© would be a good name for a footwear product. Interested? Target? Hello?





Going nowhere. But at least I’m sticking to it.

I have this idea for realizing WHERE things are Coming from and deliberately choosing Different paths of behavior. The exchanges that have led to this have exhausted me but I'm not going to admit that I am an emotional wreck on the internet. A line like that would come back to haunt me..

I wonder what has caused such a sluggish response in my brother: "Oh Brother Wear Arthou?"

The Golden Girls just stay golden year after damn year don’t they?

Oh there’s my brother now: “How do you get a Colorado grad off your front porch?” he asks, “Pay him for the pizza”


Oh, and here is an istant message from my friend Witkitties: “I am an emotional wreck “ -DMM
A most improper usage of words there. I’ll be insanely grateful if no one mentions anything in connection with this again.

>I'm out like a trout. Up? How do trout go out? Charmaine? (sp?)_

Laaa dee da la la.
Ten4 Done4

And all that


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