Blog #195 in which Reality is Questioned, Nothing is Real, Resolutions are eschewed and the Masked Man engages in an adulterous affair with himself
Ya' ever feel like the world is only a visual, boredom and we're all just being strung along for a time until we enter an objective realm that you can see through to now?
God saw me naked,
sprawled out lying breathless, bleeding
And I'm trying to figure out
If in "Saving My Life"
He merely postponed my death
Had a real conversation with my dad for the first time in months. That was nice.
It was on the phone, so I had a chance to actually get a word in edgewise.
When my Dad catches me on IM its brusque. He's a faster typist than I am. (He went to college)
AuLaJeYo4252: Are you still wearing the mask?
DMsqdMn17: Yeah
AuLaJeYo4252: Talked to your Doctor lately?
DMsqdMn17: No but...
AuLaJeYo4252: Signed up for any classes?
DMsqdMn17: Not yet
AuLaJeYo4252: You need to go back to school.
DMsqdMn17: Okay, see, I think that...
AuLaJeYo4252: You need to go back to school. Bye.
User: AuLaJeYo4252 has logged off.
I'm going to turn into Walter, I know it. Shivering, shelterless heartbroken and alone. Must make strident efforts not to descend to such despicable remorseless depths. Must compile an account of progresses and shortcomings.
A "Year in Review" as it were. Then finalize some New Years Resolutions.
Not sure what to do this year. I'm thinking something with midgets. Suggestions?
Pimps at Sea. Yarr.
Hopefully New Years Eve won't be too cold here. Did you know when the thermometer reads 50 degrees, it isn't really 50 degrees? Molecules in the air are, at all times, operating at a wide range of temperatures! The thermometer will register 50 degrees only when the weighed average of all adjacent molecules is 50 degrees, even though heat is constantly transferring between them.
I learned that after reading an article in the International Breastfeeding Journal.
What was I doing reading that????
Mind your own business! I wear a mask for a reason you know.
Sometimes we all just need to be left alone.
Maybe I'll hang out alone on New Years!
That would be a "great idea!"
Also: ANGRY MUSLIMS! Go Jihad my cat! (He peed on the freakin' floor again last night.) ANOTHER "GREAT IDEA!!" HOly Shit. Somebody slap me! I'm on a roll wid da "great ideas!" Gotta stop having "great ideas"...!
In my infinite wisdom, I decided that being a smartass was a wiser decision than running the risk of sounding corny and sentimental.
Note to self: a good bit of sentiment is a large quotient of the human spectrum. Play it up, or deal yourself out.
Ever stay up waiting for the sun and think, in the cusp of its emergence over the horizen, that instead what will crest i s a great and vacuous black hole? Like, waiting for the milk to pour out of the pitcher, but instead being sucked in!
The Imminent collapse of everything is always just over the horizon but so far the sun always comes up instead.
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