Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Below Average

The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Bhagavad Gita
The Masked Man's Blog


Funny story. When I logged onto my computer earlier it alerted me that my password will expire in "1 days"
Would I like to change it now?

1 days.

Some genius programmer can get my computer to work on a network, allowing any number of over 3,000 company employees to log into my one machine, and even keep each login on a timer set to expire passwords on a separate and autonomous timescale. But the real technological cutting edge is apparantly in getting the prompts to distinguish between the singular and plural.

Like King Kong on his
Desert isle. This big white egg
holds a DRAGON! Oooooooh!

Sometimes physical landscapes impose themselves on our pysche and, the theory goes, sometimes we impose our moods onto the world around us.

In this vein,
I was in the mist of depression.
Working a shit job and playing that charade where I tell the gang I will go out to their parties but then ditching at the last minute.

I'm losing weight too.

Anyone else miss the cherubic luxury of college food here? *raises hand*
So damn convenient. Even if the food sucked donkey balls. Which it frequently did.
The soup was watery, even when it was 'cream of"
The meat was stringy and hard.
The fruit was either too fresh to be ripe or too old to be edible unless you're 90 and have no teeth and all your food comes in a mushpaste anyway.

Ah! But the salad bar! Heaven sent I tell you.
O! Lord do I miss it!

Warm ceramic plates topped with shimmering spinach spring mix and plump moist cucumbers. Liberal Cauliflower and broccoli sprouts dotting a thick layer of grated white and yellow cheses, feta spread, a blanket of shreaded carrots, bacon bits, a river of dressing and a freckled finish of croutons.



So its been awhile since Ive done anything like this, but whoot!

Who gives a flying rats ass.

Granted, yes it sux. but you'll get over it eventually.

Today's game (yaygame) is antoehre excitign editnino of
Ready, set, heregoes:

I'm off for an evening of pure, unapologetic relaxation. Don't call me. I'll bite.


Blogger DMM said...

You have no chance to survive. Make your time.

Ha Ha Ha.

3:37 PM GMT-7  
Blogger DMM said...

ok, so no one else is commenting. offscreen: KITTEN! ATTACK THE PEOPLE WHO AREN'T COMMENTING

3:47 PM GMT-7  

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