Thursday, April 19, 2007

Back it up Grandma

OMGDucDuke1486: Worst gAMe evRr GNAT DICk!
Auto-response sent to OMGDucDuke1486: GrindHouse. And Hot Fuzz. And Pathfinder. Da' Masked Movie Night!!!
OMGDucDuke1486: Canker-BLoSsom!!
You SUxx0r @ L1F3

His name is Packer and he's been an IM bastard since he got my SN from godknowswhere.


And I hope he never meets Nigel because those two would immediately "duke" it out.

But he has a valid point: Namely, yesterday's GAME, when I read through it with 2 or 3,000 of my closest friends, didn't seem up to par. At least not compared with some of the Greatest Games of DMM's Past...
I deny any responsibility for it (Unless you liked it, in which case: please send cash!) For the record: I did not write that blog.

Let me get some things clear here. My named is The Masked Man. Quit calling me Ray. I am a socialist tour de force and an expert chef,and also the author of my own comic strip, of which I am the star.

This is much like how God is the author of his own omniverse, of which
he himself created and controls.
That's me. I'm in the comic strip. I draw the strip that I'm in.

This blog is a blog that the character of me writes in the comic strip that he draws.

One more thing. Since I stopped drawing the comic but kept writing the blog that takes place within the confines of that comic universe (that I created) The Comic Syndicate has hired on other artists and writers to continue drawing them in my stead. Staffers. Union Guys. Deadlines to meet. Reader demands to satisfy. Editorial content 2¢ per square inch and whatnot.

This unfortunate decision on their part has resulted in me (the character) saying and doing some things that I (DMM) regret. I can't help it.
They draw me dancin', I dance.
They draw me jacking off, I jack off.
They draw me writing the Next Great American Novel, I jack off. Wait, I mean, whatever.

The point is, yesterday's blog SUCKS as far as my Games are concerned. It's not my fault. It's the writers fault. Blame the writers.

That is all.

OMGDucDuke1486: dAMN WRight DICkBag!!
DMsqdMn17: Aww can it!


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