Dasmascus Lyceum

Let me get right down to it.
I love being underestimated. That may sound wrong.
But think about it. Why else would I wear the mask. I'm too smart to be defined as a freak by any classical definition of the word. It should be obvious I do it for the attention, the novelty of being noticed for my "odd" looks when without this little accessory it would only be my brains that got me laid.
Today's Blog: Brains Get Laid
That'd make a great band name.
Ok. But I love being underestimated. I love being written off as a kitten and then roaring as the lion that I am. When I can cause some Jake to make a doubletake, I've done my job for the day.
And I think I learned how to do this from school. School, since the industrial revolution, is not about learning things it's about churning out comformity. In order to succeed in school we have to become the machines that the machine wants us to be. In order to succeed as human beings we have to find little ways to subvert the machine and develop, cultivate and covertly maintain a sense of individuality. My way of being noticed was by not being noticed. I was the snarky one. Snatching one or two of my peers at a time away from their studious pursuits like a wolf lurking at the periphery of a flock of sheep, and subverting them with sarcasm and my own blend of satire.
The world is a veritable ringed circus of freakish delights, let me show it to you!
Masked Man! The Ringmaster!

Watch! as I introduce the acts. The little plays. Step into my kaleidoscope where I'll reguritate the world back to you through blogs and poems and comics and stories...
We now return to regularly scheduled IM conversation, already in Progress:
DMsqdMn17: What do you mean "people have an essence?"
1 August Youth: the y do
1 August Youth: all I do is listen
DMsqdMn17: so you learn everything about a person just by listening to them?
1 August Youth: You're not getting it. You just have to tune in. Everybody has their own wavelength.
DMsqdMn17: crazy
1 August Youth: Some people ride on other people's signals, and then you tune into that
1 August Youth: but whatever frequency you find you'll see it eminating from somewhere, and you can understand the source just by examining the emination
We all learn different ways. Education is not an assembly line, its just being open to as many different ways people see the world as possible.
Today, I will learn by drinking all the way to the bottom of this mug of beer. Cheers!
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