Friday, June 01, 2007

It was 40 Years Ago Today...

Only, it really was "40 years ago today that Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play."

Sgt Pepper's is one of the most fundamental albums in modern music. Some people say Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys was just as innovative. But I've never heard that record so I ADAMANTLY DISAGREE. But even if you don't like the Beatles, the fact remains that Sgt. Pepper's was one of the first studio-produced album. It was one of the first concept albums. (There is a common theme and order between tunes that lead into each other.) It was one of the early heavy uses of studio effects, including but not limited to: non-ping-pong use of stereo, use of reverb, multitrack mastering, non-player supporting , chance tape effects, overdubbing, multi-tracked voice choruses...

The Beatles later went on to do things like invent the tape flange effect, adopt and extend early forms of samplers and electronic music, and to look to influences and instrumentation outside of the normal scope of a standard "rock" guitar band.

You may or may not like the Beatles, but half of studio music recording techniques owe their heritage to those four boys from Liverpool locking themselves in a studio and pushing the limits of technology for this monumental.


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