Sunday, August 31, 2008

Power Outage

You are more than your blOUse
your delicate cuRves
so unlike those idealized pear shaped
I always brewed for
burned over
and they don't even compare to yours.

I am more than my words
These LETTERS I tangle like eXpReSSioNS over my face
and write on your back with a finger
wet with white body lotion
"Once: Upon a time..."

Futural preposition.
NOT past tense narrative.
Time in a glass bottle.
EE the DIFFerence when the bottle is Open
and the B u b B l e s
rise up.

What will happen
What could happen
did not.

And new stories are more than old stories
because we Tell them in New ways.
In the Basement, near the building's Center oF Gravity,
next to the green generator
during a storm
an Old Story told with that kind of detail
comes to life!

Now I am 18. Now I am 20.
Now you are 21. Now we are older.
Now mIrrOrs devote thEmsElvEs
to past reflections.
Now our old stories mEAn Nothing.
They are more
because they are happening Now.

HEAR the boring music WAIL?
SEE the toilet seat left UP
and those bills for the manicurist left to panic on the counter?
I am more than irritated
and this is not what I bargained for.
It is more. It is better it is mine it is now.

Light a cAndlE
with a mAtch.
TRANSFER FLaMe to wick
and light fills room
with things that were not there.
Watch the Dark Room Come to Life
It's comforting,
when the power is out
to remind ourselves
of how this all began.
And tell all the old stories


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