Monday, March 19, 2007

Change of Plan B

There was a plan.

At one time, a plan was in place.

But like so many other plans, my plan has given way to reality.

The reality that comprises today's Monday afternoon blog.

First some news. I cut my hair and died it green for St. Patty's Day. It was pretty long. I have included a before and after shot comparison. Here. click it

In other news, getting older is a depressing part of life. Whilst out driving yesterday with my brother a song came on. I started singing along, headbanging a bit, etc etc, insert your own breakdown cliche here... he stares at me blankly and goes, “Who the hell is this?”
Dude. “It’s Natalie Imbruglia!”

Since when did the songs of the nineties become classic oldies radio station cannon? I’m only twenteen, it should surely be another ten years before I’m faced with this hard-hitting truth of growing older?

Plans Change.

Plans Change.

The plan for this weeksworth of blogs on The Masked Mind Revealed was to do a StoRY WeEk! 5 days. 5 different short stories. I got about half a story done this morning before realizing that wasn't going to happen. Please leave a comment discussing the topic of some future week which may still salvage the concept of Short StoRY WeEk. Or perhaps I'll start doing Short Story Tuesdays, much like the tradition of Game Day Wednesday (yay) or Stuff it out your ass ear Fridays.

Or maybe some of you intrepid readers out there who are also writers would like to join me in my effort
How about it guys?
Let's dedicate a day to everyone posting an original short story on their blogs?
Eh? Eh? Eh?

Just don't plan on it. Plans change.

Sometimes for the better. After bumming about my brother not knowing shit about the 90s I passed this Red Toyota Tercel on the right that had two girls in it. I saw them out of the corner of my eye... and by them I mean... BOOBS o_O We got flashed!!! ... hehe. Maybe it's a sign that good things will happen? I dunno. XD



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