Sex y Plea
As I write my ears are filled with the sounds of two wild animals fucking. I think they are cats. Pariahs on the morning prowl. One cat is growling and crying, presumably the female, as the male’s teeth appear to be gripping the loose skin above her neck.
Sexuality: I think of sexuality as an expression of a person’s basest desires. The inclination toward sexual acts is one of the most natural things in the world. Like rain or gravity. Unfortunately, the social stigmas that we have developed over time discourage or discriminate against some desires which under a naturalistic light might appear just as acceptable. Sexuality is not a finite endpoint, its a sliding scale. But social norms dictate that we are only to have one sexual identity and this can be met with complicated responses for some people and quite a simple reaction by others.
That having been said. If you are hanging out with me, and your name is Matt, and the time is last weekend, and we are in a bar trying to hit on girls with lurid dreams of finding ourselves ensnared within their limbs in the sweaty folds of copulation, do not refer to the girls who have come before in your relationship timeline using colorful colloquialisms or Oak-Town EBONics.
Matt: You are heretofore banned from ever using the phrase 'mah bitches'.
And now. On with the blog.
SO we've been talking for a long time you and I. This array of words that I breath forth to fly into the domed echo-chamber of internets where you catch the wind of my dying ideas like disease and breath them back, preserving, improving, restoring me and my feeble expeditures of thought from collapsing all together.
YOU HAVE been my friend and my nurse, my student and my mentor. And though like a madmen my expressions often brush past vanity, truth or yea even secondary conceptualization, still this discourse remains and so as a friend I turn to you now.
UNDER what conditions do I write best? I wish I knew. That way I could reproduce them and produce more. Comrades join arms. How do you write? It's all about the means of production, so what are the social realtions that create creativity?
Marx was a dink.
I NEED TO get in this car of expression and drive. Loneliness is a tired fossil fuel and rage burns away too fast. Anger a rich recipe for more anger but not words and it is words that I seek. I need a charge to whet my fiendish appetite, and the black hells of February so vex'd from me. Just past an arms length reach.
TELL me dear friends. What do you use to start this auto-mobile? The engine that roars into action once and then procedes to move of it's own accord. A topic. A theory. An emotion.
LOCOmotion. I need to feel moved. And when I move I want to take you along. So tell me readers, sit close and whisper there where the mask tucks away behind my ear.
What day doth follow night?

Can inspiration be replicated or even captured and stored for later creativity? -Damret
Creativity is the timeless act of creation. Taking something out of nothing. Both "something" and "nothing" are timeless, and yet we as humans are not, so it often seems that there is a lot more "nothing".
Today is Albert Einstein's birthday. He said "Only two things are infinte, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Stupid humans is right! We limit ourselves to empirical constructs and get ourselves stuck in whirpools and ruts. Inspiration can be found anywhere and everywhere, any time and every time. It is simply in the nature of man to block himself from the ontological, see nothing in nothing.
So we try to save or recreate for ourselves a little well of "something" to draw from.
"There will be times when all the things she said will fill your head
You won't forget her"- Sir Paul McCartney
To Capture:
Notes help. I keep a pad and pen in side pocket at all times. A constant stream of personal history; my thoughts/actions and their consequences.
The trouble with notes is that as you write notes you tend to self-edit.
Disregard some feelings you can't control. If you were in the live act of creating rather than storing for later you wouldn't have the luxury of removing these little excesses of conciousness. The tangential nuances of immediacy are often the sensual feast that bring a work to life. You can't bottle that. When your muse drips the sweet salve of inspiration on your tongue it's never going to be the same nectar, unlike cherry coke, bottled and bland and tasting the same no matter where you buy it.
"so many ideas for exciting projects to work on -
so why can't I bring myself to, you know, WORK on them" -Really Hot Lisa
To Replicate:
Notes help, but only if they are sensory related and will strike in you an emotion akin to the passion you felt when you jotted it down.
Posters help. Surrounding yourself with great art helps.
Surroundnig yourself with artists help. Plaster your habitat with sources for inspiration, and in those dull moments of time when you find you have nothing to say, open your eyes and look around to let your world speak for you.
Inspiration is a fire. You can't bottle up a fire, but if keep a steady supply of kindling and matches its not too hard to start a new one.
"To see the World in a grain of sand, And a Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour"- William Blake
Hope that answers your question man. It shouldn't be neccessary to store up ideas, but I know for a fact that it very often is. Every minute, every second is rife with creative potential. Trust your impulses. Pain the color of your feelings, or sing the taste of your mood. Infuse your art with improvisational life, ilke Jazz. Constant train-of-thought progenesis that just lets it flow. That's the idea model here.
(Although I must add, even in a jazz soloists improv, they're riffing on a pre-established theme. After all, we're all only human)
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