I'm gone for a month and look what happens to all of you. Just look at your damn selves! Jesus Tapdancing Christ. First Anna Nicole and now this.
Yes, and yes, I know what you're asking yourself: "What is this crazy bloke in the masque conversationally perambulating about?"
And the answer: Rising from the dead.

Coming to you live!
He speaks, and therefore he lives
Thoughts! Words! On the Air!
Not because it's lent, and hippity hoppity Easter's on its way. Not because of the band called Modern Skirts or the fire, gold and glory of the Internet. It's because occasionally one man must reinvent himself in order to look in the mirror. Some buy new mirrors, some squint their eyes and some look away for a month at a time in the hopes that the reflection will change. And other men change the way they look.
Help. My brain is overloading - awash in a sea of ideas for stories.
I've killed the only part of me that feels
The part of me that led me to belive it was real. To write I gave up my sanity.
I was real, but I slowly poisened away the reality with sordid drops of fiction. And now I have a story to tell, and not an ounce of coherence.
I was real. Watch me swimming? Hear the sound of the crashing waves?
I was real.
An empty shell I shall remain
In this country people are supposed to keep to themselves unless asked. Right?! But if that is true then how do friendships ever occur? I don't know. I guess that's why I have so few. I guess that why the man who tapped my shoulder and woke me up on the train is so kindred to me and why the mailman saying hello strikes a dissonant long ringing chord. There's a ringing in my ear today, in the left side, like a remnant echo of the explosion that demolished yet another possiblity of acquaintenceship. I'll go back to my cave.
"She is like girl that stands out in the middle of room, but not because she is the most beautiful, or because she is center of all the energy... No, it's because when I look her I get that feeling, like I should take care of her, because she's the woman I'm meant to be with."
yawns are like clouds are like rainy days are like depression and so i went online and talked to Nuha. she was depressed too (see? depression is contagious too like colds or Lays Potato Chips) and so we decided to go our seperate e-ways. neways, i haven't told her yet and im starting to think thats ok. lets not talk about it. to get rid of this feeling of depression, i have no idea wht to do
I'm thinking of changing up my workout. Less racquetball and more cardio endurance like distance running.
Stayed out late. Got to work later. Power went out and now we have a fire alarm going off. If it's a real fire come and get me but otherwise I've gots me some things to do.
I'm back.
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