Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the part of the human family that isn't related to me

Caution: This Blog will most definitely take your mind out back behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

What begins with R and ends with Age?

I'm not sure I can stand much more of this.... they're at it again in the room above me!
I think that's 4 times in the last 36 hours that I've heard it.. and remember I'm out of the house most of the day!

*commence junior-high-style fits of giggling*

I've been stewing in this indescribable presentiment that has left me in an awkward funk the last couple days. And not the Mothership Connection kind of funk. The bad kind of funk.

Harriet Tubman was not a member of Grand Funk Railroad.

wish kids would concentrate on what goes into their brains
and not what goes through their MP3 players.

I need to vent about something, and you may have just stepped into Old Faithful geyser folks because I'm steamed na rearin' to blow.
This is the place. The one thought I have that is forming all this steam into a rant...

christ how i hate young people.....actually wait no....im young.....
i mean teenagers....all fuckin' loud and brash....crude and attention seeking.....
rude, disrespectful
Want more?

I've come to realize I don't have I don't actually hang with anybody my age....well maybe a select few... but in general I get mostly irritated at them. I am generally only interested in non-college age kids, give me 30+ anyday... and if it is someone my age then guys are preferable.... since I can't be dealing with all those bitchy back stabbing women.....getting fed up watching big mouths on American Idol on TV on my own bored and lonely.....ok, I got a little off topic there,
but the point is that Young People think they rule the world these days and
TV has gone to shit because of it. They don't know anything about history, geography or science and aspire to be on Reality TV shows as if that's a viable career alternative. I'm sorry (no I'm not) but listening to silly kids calling each other every name under the sun like its just a normal everyday occurance is not what I call quality enterainment......I wouldnt let anyone call me a "fucking stupid bitch" or say "I hate you you wanker"...Don't think so, especially from the people who are meant to care most about you...

And then they listen to the crappiest music ever created by the vocal chords of man, and exalt these pig-voiced "artists" with heaps of money and praises.

you all just don't know any better.
poor little things.

Which reminds me. This Sanjaya fellow. He will be getting kicked off tonight or he will be voluntarily leaving after his family bursts into flames from listening to the firing swords he calls notes issuing from his vocal chords. Opposition to him falls on deaf ears of course because teenage girls love the shy guy, love to roote for the underdog. But this guy is so bad... the best comparison I can imagine would be to say that watching him is like watching Dick Cheney and Michael Jackson tag-team sodomize a goat in a bed of cochroaches whilst whilst November Rain plays in the background and Maddonna's 1987 pointed brassiere poke the eyes out of a naked and making-out Phil Margera and Don Vitto, while Don Cherry does the play-by-play
Creepy? I think so!

Grr. Young people.

Ok. Dear God.
I can't stand this any more..... they're at it again.
Who are these people?
I'm gunna go up there and find out.

This has been your Daily Whine, brought to you by NAASCor. You may now resume your regularly scheduled life.


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