Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pretty cool

The Gun Dude: hes pretty cool
DMsqdMn17: I'm pretty cool.
The Gun Dude: This is a man so cool even his sperm smoke unfiltered Camels.
DMsqdMn17: hahaha.


Blogger DMM said...

I never quite understood. I'm not sure I ever understood. That life is made up by the living, or, put another way, composition by field.

In many ways I suspect that my confusion stemmed from the Modernist myth- one of the many Myths Of Academia — that there was such a thing as Modernism and Postmodernism.

The idea of original life, (la vida nueva) is a very suspicious thing to me. Very suspicious. The idea that every life is new and it keeps being new the way Chevrolets every year are new is suspicious. And ungratifying.

It's newness in conjunction with oldness that makes anything interesting. And part of what we love about full rich, truly plethortic existance (i.e. The Renaisance Man template) is the fact that it seems ancient, that it has an authority of ancient tradition and ancient form. It's timeless, in that it reaches back.

So I feel that being content with attempts to be new and original is a contradiction in terms. Though we have the sense of the originality of a new life, of a great life, it's only truly because that sense of originality stems from doing very old things, in exciting new ways.

11:34 AM GMT-7  

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