Wednesday, April 25, 2007

[This Space For Rent]

It';s Oppositite DAY herE at l'Chez Du'Masquedmon, WHICH means that you should think I mean the opposite of everythign I say. Or does it mean the opposite of everything I say is what you think? Or, since everything I've ever told you is the God'sHonestTruth, does it mean that you stop believing in what I DO say and start espousing everything that goes unsaid.

Whatever. Opposite Day. Pfft.

Random Erik's Uncle Quote of the Day:
ukeepsmile56: brainey-smarrts wont meen shit wit out a salami to your name

Oh did you know?
more photojournalists cover the Cannes Film Festival every year than covered the entire Vietnam War

I really meant what I said about the Truth. I don't make shit up man there's not enough fucking time. Like that story I wrote about my kids in Montana who live with their mother but I never see. That's true! I mean, I make myself sound like I don't believe they're my kids for the sake of my court appointed liason... (I like to really make that guy question every reality)... but those kids is totally be mine. And Nigel, my evil twin. Dude, the guy is EVIL! And my TWIN! Sure we went out for drinks on Friday night in the heart of Oakland and ended up passed out, robbed blind, naked and tied together... ended up using a welding torch to cut our way out of an unmarked van abandoned up in Redwood country... but I couldn't possibly make stuff like that up. Nor could I invent what we did the week before... I don't have enough of an imagination.

"We email 50 times a day and i still know nothing about your life except that you seem to be developing a drink problem around older, sleezy, slutty and more european women of late".

Question: if one of your best friends sends you this, would you be a) worried, b) insulted, d) amused?

i kinda need to know soon cuz I just pressed Send. Ooh look, an email from Kara!

I love you readers. For putting up with my august aloofness.
Conversely I hate y'all. Despise thee with a seething dis
(It is opposite day, yes?)

All over the place.

Picture this:
an entirely different kettle of fish

Which brings me to L'Main event:

Today’s game is called Picture of the Day!

Here be d’rules. I showeth thou uń picture, und you must leave a caption/dialogue insert for it.

Here beith thine Picture. Let the games begin:

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some death to defy
-Th' Masq'd M'nn


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you're trying the wrong bait...

2:15 PM GMT-7  

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