Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Beckett’s Vladimiri Quarterback & The Word Touchdown as Measured in Boolean Operators

"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football.
A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
-Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback & sports analyst

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity
opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment.
Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions."
-- Albert Einstein

"There must be some way out of here"

---Bob Dylan

The best way to explain the solution to a problem is to postate that there is no such thing as qualia and no hard problem to solve. Vitiate any truth with grammatical fictions that masque the question and then publish your findings.

A conscious subject is dependent on the existence of language, but consciousness arises from any information-bearing system. A thermometer is semi-concious. So too speedometers or interferometers - devices that split a beam of light into two and then recombine them to create interference fringes (we can use these to measure gravity waves.)

Consider Myspace Spambots

Brooklyn graffiti tags

Electronic Russian Roulette

Consider the freakin' Lilies of the field.

Or Poppies, in this case. Poppies. In a masterfully veiled Pink Floyd scored allegory where Dorothy is the ego,The Emerald City is Heaven, the Wizard is a God whom we all suckle at the requisitioning breast of ("when you get there, how about a heart, a brain… peace in Darfur..."). Wickedly literate Frank L. Baum’s 20th Century reductionism left God decrepit, a bumbling parlor trick vaudevillian remnant who could only run us through our paces (fetch me the devil... err plenary indulgences.. err I mean the Wicked Witch's broomhandle) and still needed the naturalism and innocence of youth (New Age Kansas Farmgirl Dorothy) filling in in his stead to dole out practical applications of salvation/benevolence where before there had only been theoretical anguish (he asks for “the nerve” of courage, give him a medal)

Personally, I don’t limit myself by subscribing to physicalism. Our penal system judges our persons for our acts. We reduce ideas into visible things, and leash visible people to ideals and actions. The subjective aspect of our minds may not ever be sufficiently accounted for by the objective methods of reductionistic science.

Consider listening to music in your apartment

The man watching you listen to music through the window

The music he is listening to on the radio

Consider the music the DJ is listening to while he broadcasts something else

Nothing is as one-dimensional as it may seem. Anyone who tells you they have the answer has confused the question.

Consider: A Beautiful topless model with her arms across her breasts

Why? Because it makes me happy.


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